Scott F.
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Scott F. posted a comment on the video Premier Guitar: LTD-2018 Gifu-Cho Demo at NAMM 2018
Sweet demo......Read more

Scott F. liked the comment on Premier Guitar: LTD-2018 Gifu-Cho Demo at NAMM 2018
Nice Jake!......Read more

Scott F. liked the video Premier Guitar: LTD-2018 Gifu-Cho Demo at NAMM 2018

Scott F. posted a comment on the video Introducing the LTD-2019 Moon
I would like to know as well. Any info?......Read more

Scott F. liked the comment on Introducing the LTD-2019 Moon
I liked the guitar so much, I've placed a deposit on one to be made for me and I don't even know how much is the final price...It will be my first cutter away guitar as I already own a Takamine OM guitar that has served me so......Read more

Scott F. liked the comment on Introducing the LTD-2019 Moon
When will these be available?
How much ?
Thanks.......Read more

Scott F. liked the video Introducing the LTD-2019 Moon