Roberto Dávila
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Roberto Dávila updated his profile

Roberto Dávila posted a comment on the product GD35CE-12 PW
Incredibly beautiful!......Read more

Roberto Dávila posted a comment on the product LTD2023
Increíblemente hermosa !!
Incredibly beautiful!......Read more

Roberto Dávila posted a comment on the product GB30CE NAT
Hola, podrían hacer un fretless con cuerdas de Nylon Black. Gracias
......Read more

Roberto Dávila posted a comment on the product GB30CE NAT
Increíble sonido..........Read more

Roberto Dávila posted a comment on the video G Series GY11ME Demo by Mark Blasquez
¡Muy bueno!......Read more

Roberto Dávila posted a comment on the video Limited Edition LTD2023 Demo by Mark Blasquez
Hermoso Instrumento e Sonido increíble. Gracias......Read more

Roberto Dávila uploaded the video Instantáneas