Greg Fabian (D'Branch)
Greg Fabian (D'Branch)
wrote a minute ago
Mans is often busy at a goal. Unfortunately, the summary of it all is to make a profit or earn something to justify our efforts....
we never get back the moments, family and life lost while we were sucked in. We may be lucky to find some but it's a 1 out 10.
Live for a purpose, beyond just you. Be the reason for a just course, a manifest, someone' joy or turn around. Create indelible and pleasant moments. Lend a hand. Make music, be thankful and mindful of eternity.
The truth is ....the ends will NEVER meet!
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Greg Fabian (D'Branch)
wrote a minute ago
Mans is often busy at a goal. Unfortunately, the summary of it all is to make a profit or earn something to justify our efforts....
we never get back the moments, family and life lost while we were sucked in. We may be lucky to find some but it's a 1 out 10.
Live for a purpose, beyond just you build a decent relationship. Be the reason for a just course, a manifest, someone' joy or turn around. Create indelible and pleasant moments. Lend a hand. Make music, be thankful and mindful of eternity.
The truth is ....the ends will NEVER meet! - updated
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